The Confluence Artworks

Hello, my name is Josh Voynick. I have been an artist and maker for most of my life. My biggest teacher was my father, who remodeled our home many times as our family grew. He taught me, if you are going to do something, do it right. He also gave me the confidence to be able to challenge my capabilities, and try new techniques and projects. 

My first artistic outlet was photography. I studied the masters, read as much as I could find, and then took thousands of slides. My first published photographs came at the age of 16, after many rejection slips. Soaring Magazine and the Los Angles Herald Examiner both published the same photo of a sailplane streaking across the sky dumping its load of water. 

My biggest artistic inspirations have been: Ansel Adams, Escher and Dali.

I began using my maker skills, on my days off from the Phoenix Fire Department learning to frame houses. This morphed into building houses out of Insulated Concrete Form (foam blocks). I then started  creating  wall units and work spaces. 

I had the life changing opportunity to work as an apprentice on a project called   "The House of Earth and Light". This Phoenix house was built by my mentor Pat McCue. It featured thick concrete walls, and a metal truss and fabric roof.

I spent about 6 months learning to fabricate, the finer points of metal working, and what it meant to be an artist. This reignited my love of metal working changed my artistic trajectory for ever. 

I realized that metal gave me much more artistic flexibility than wood. Being able to work in this medium on an elemental level is why metal work is my passion. Once you learn to control heat, it's possible to join and bend pieces to accomplish any form.  The addition of a forge to my shop has given me the opportunity to leave the linear dimension behind and give life to inanimate objects

I push the envelope on every project. This is the only way to maintain truth in the work. 

The mission of my studio is to create cutting edge art, furnitures and fixtures. 

Give me a call and let's talk about the project thats been in the back of your mind. Let's make it happen.